来源:青岛市图书馆 作者:外文部 阅读: 次 日期:2020/07/23
每个人都有自己的小房间,你的房间里都有什么呢?你的物品都放在哪里?本期外语沙龙我们一起来学习英文绘本——《My Room》,采用的是自然拼读的方式,让小朋友们在轻松愉快的环境中学习英语。

Hello, everyone.
We have learned about some places where animals live. For us humans, we usually live in houses. I'm sure your house is full of love and warmth. There are many rooms in our houses. What's your room like? Now let’s study the picture book——《My Room》.
我们已经学到了一些动物们居住的地方。对于我们人类来说,我们通常会住在房子里,相信你的房子里面充满了爱和温暖。我们的房子内一般都有很多房间。你的房间是什么样的呢?接下来我们一起来学习绘本——«My Room».
点击视频,来听 Lydia 老师讲绘本吧!

«My Room»
Room r oo m room 房间

Here is my room.
Look at what’s in my room.
Is it nice?

What’s this?
It’s a bed.
Bed b e d bed 床
Here is my bed.
I need my bed.
I can have a sweet sleep in my bed.
What’s your bed like?

What can you see here?
Could you see a desk near the window?
Desk d e s k desk 书桌
Here is my desk.
I study at my desk.
What’s your desk like?

How about now?
Do you see a fish swimming in the fishbowl?
Fish f i sh fish 鱼
Here is my fish.
It is my friend.
Do you like fish?

What are these?
They’re books.
Book b oo k book 书
Here are my books.
I love my books.
They can bring me a lot of knowledge.
Do you like reading?

And look! What are these?
They’re toys.
Toy t oy toy 玩具
Here are my toys.
I love my toys.
They can bring me a lot of joy.
Do you have many toys?

What are these?
They’re shoes.
Shoe sh oe shoe 鞋子
Here are my shoes.
My shoes help me walk more comfortably.
What are your shoes like?

And what are these?
They’re clothes.
Clothes c l o s clothes 衣服
Here are my clothes.
My clothes make me feel warmer and look better.
What are you wearing now?
Please read the followings again.
Here is my room.
Here is my bed.
Here is my desk.
Here is my fish.
Here are my books.
Here are my toys.
Here are my shoes.
Here are my clothes.
That’s all.
See you next time!