来源:青岛市图书馆 作者:外文部 阅读: 次 日期:2020/07/08
小朋友们,每个人都有自己的家,动物们也不例外,那"他们"的家在哪里呢?本期外语沙龙我们一起来学习英文绘本——《What Lives Here》,采用的是自然拼读的方式,让小朋友们在轻松愉快的环境中学习英语。
Hello everyone. I am Lydia.
Each of us has his own home, so do the animals. Today we’ll take a look at some of
our friends where they live.
我们每个人都有自己的家,动物们也是。今天我们就来看一下几位朋友们生活的地方吧。——«What Lives Here»。
点击视频,来听 Lydia 老师讲绘本吧!

«What Lives Here»
Live l i v live 居住

Look at the forest. What can you see here?
I can see some animals.
Animal a n i m l animal 动物
Animals live here.

Look. What is this place?
It’s a cave.
What lives here?
A bear.
Bear b ear bear 熊
A bear lives here.

Look. What is this place?
It’s a jungle.
What lives here?
A deer.
Deer d eer deer 鹿
A deer lives here.

Look. What is this place?
It’s the sea.
What lives here?
A fish.
Fish f i sh fish 鱼
A fish lives here.

Look. What is this place?
It’s a pond.
What lives here?
A frog.
Frog fr o g frog 青蛙
A frog lives here.

Look. What can you see here?
I can see a worm in the mud.
Worm wor m worm 蠕虫
A worm lives here.

Hey. What do you see here?
I see a beehive in the tree.
What lives here?
A bee.
Bee b ee bee 蜜蜂
A bee lives here.

Now what do you see here?
I see a child in the room.
Child ch i l d child 孩子
A child lives here.
Now please read the followings with me.
Animals live here.
A bear lives here.
A deer lives here.
A fish lives here.
A frog lives here.
A worm lives here.
A bee lives here.
A child lives here.
That’s all.
See you next time!
Lydia 朗朗国际少儿教育高级讲师