来源:青岛市图书馆 作者:外文部 阅读: 次 日期:2020/04/07
Hello, everyone. This is Lydia.
It’s so nice to see you.
As we know, the Spring is already here.
I am sure you’ve seen, heard and smelled Spring.
Now I’d like to share something about it with you.

《It is Spring》

The sun pops up.
Sun, s-u-n, sun, 太阳

The flowers pop out.
Flower, f-l-ow-er, flower, 花,flowers,复数形式

The worms pop up.
Worm, w-or-m, worm, 虫子,worms, 复数形式

The plants pop up.
Plant, p-l-a-n-t, plant, 植物,plants, 复数形式

The leaves pop out.
Leaf, l-ea-f, leaf, 叶子,leaves, 复数形式

The birds pop out.
Bird, b-ir-d, bird, 鸟,birds, 复数形式

The animals pop out.
Animal, a-n-i-m-l, animal, 动物,animals,复数形式

Spring pops out everywhere.
Pop, pop, pop.
Could you tell me the meaning of Pop?