来源:青岛市图书馆 作者:外文部 阅读: 次 日期:2018/01/03

The Native People of North America (1)
——The world of the Native Americans (American Indians)
15 世纪末,哥伦布踏上了美洲大陆,他误认为自己来到了亚洲印度的土地,于是将当地的土著居民称为 Indian(印度人),为了与真正的印度人区别开来,就音译为印第安人。虽然哥伦布的误会很快得到了更正,但是将美洲大陆上的这些土著居民称为印第安人的这个称呼却一直沿用至今。但这些土著居民却并不是“印第安人”就可以概括的,他们的世界绝非你所想象的那样。本期公益外语沙龙我们将邀请青岛大学国际教育学院讲师、历史学博士韩威老师以及美国助教为我们揭开北美印第安文化的神秘面纱,体会它的无穷魅力。感兴趣的读者朋友们还在等什么,赶快报名参加我们的活动吧,让我们一起了解不一样的印第安!
Who were the first Americans? Archaeologists agree that during the Ice Age human beings probably trekked across the Bering land bridge from Siberia. But some present-day native North Americans believe their sacred stories place their beginnings in America.
At present, most Native Americans prefer to identify themselves with a tribe. What is a tribe, and how many are there? How many Native Americans are there today, and where do they live?
Today, let's explore the world of the Native Americans together!
韩威(Elk Runner)
Han Wei is a native to Qingdao and a lecturer of Qingdao University, College of International Education. He was received his doctorate degree in History at Beijing Normal University in 2013. His research focuses mainly on Qingdao local history, historical geography and cultural exchange. Han Wei performed research in this capacity as a visiting scholar at Michigan State University.
Misti Miiller (米木兰)
Misti is from the USA, and grew up in Texas. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Texas A&M University in 2011. Misti has been studying Chinese at Qingdao University since 2014 and began a Master’s program in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language this Fall semester.
韩威(Elk Runner)

Misti Miiller(米木兰)

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